Thursday 21 March 2013

AN ANONYMOUS DONOR HAS OFFERED TO MATCH $3,000 once we raise another $3,000 to save our land!!!!! 
WE ARE HALF-WAY TO OUR GOAL ALREADY! What a game we are playing!

THE STORY: We are in the process of purchasing 1/2-acre that adjoins our backyard at the Future Of Haiti Orphanage. 

The seller has an emergency, and needs us to come up with money RIGHT AWAY to help him and his family. If we don't, he will be forced to sell this land to someone else who has all the cash now and wants to build a noisy nightclub there!!!! 

We have already paid about 1/3 of the $32K for the land, and want to complete the purchase. It is a perfect location for the school and will serve our children both in the orphanage and from the surrounding neighborhood. 

We plan to build the school this year, as soon as the land is totally paid for. 

We are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. WE HAVE TO RAISE THIS MONEY BY SUNDAY AND GET IT TO HAITI BY MONDAY!!! 

Please help us NOW!

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