Thursday, 21 March 2013

AN ANONYMOUS DONOR HAS OFFERED TO MATCH $3,000 once we raise another $3,000 to save our land!!!!! 
WE ARE HALF-WAY TO OUR GOAL ALREADY! What a game we are playing!

THE STORY: We are in the process of purchasing 1/2-acre that adjoins our backyard at the Future Of Haiti Orphanage. 

The seller has an emergency, and needs us to come up with money RIGHT AWAY to help him and his family. If we don't, he will be forced to sell this land to someone else who has all the cash now and wants to build a noisy nightclub there!!!! 

We have already paid about 1/3 of the $32K for the land, and want to complete the purchase. It is a perfect location for the school and will serve our children both in the orphanage and from the surrounding neighborhood. 

We plan to build the school this year, as soon as the land is totally paid for. 

We are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. WE HAVE TO RAISE THIS MONEY BY SUNDAY AND GET IT TO HAITI BY MONDAY!!! 

Please help us NOW!

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day from the staff and children of GRODYSH Int'l. Inc. - the Future of Haiti Organization and the Future Of Haiti Orphanage!

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Conditional Help

Do you think religion can be a reason to stop helping hungry children around the world? 

            Through the years my humanitarian activities have made it possible for me to meet with so many different people from many different countries and faiths.  I was amazed to observe how no matter where people are living, their race, their fortune, their education, their religion or rank, kids remain kids, adults remain adults, men remain men, women remain women... Humanoids are simply humanoids trying to become human beings.

        You probably are wondering why I am bringing this up to you? The answer is simple but also complicated in a sense. Everybody uses the same words to express many different things.  How can you make the right choice when someone says "I love you" to create a lifetime experience and "I love you" to create a night of body exultation. 

         Intuition is the key. There is no way you can tell the difference between the people really willing to cooperate in forwarding your purpose to bring some changes to the conditions of existence, and the ones playing social to use your venue to gain popularity.

        Putting our attention on what is essential, without emotions, will help us remain in control. Emotions are the reason why we blindly associate with unethical aberrated people taking advantage of our emergencies to push their evil purposes through and upon our organizations.  

In countries devastated by tsunamis, earthquakes, tornados, etc. we see dozens of great humanitarians bringing hope and effective relief to the suffering victims in distress. Simultaneously hundreds of  thousands of predators as vultures invade the scene, changing it into opportunity for enrichment, publicity, all kind of deviations from basic ethical and moral behaviors.  

             The international system has been built to create fear.  People have been set up to access certain standards of living tailored by education, profession, caste, race, and acquisition. Scales have been established and guaranteed by the sense of insecurity, guilt and fear solidified by the atrocities agreed upon against other countries. It has become pro-survival to accept as true only the news presented on television as long as one's social position is being protected.

              Once the adventure is over or the locals get off their emotional state and open their eyes to see and to disagree and defend themselves, the predators become their enemies and return to feed lies, criticism and false information about the locals to cover their own sins and failures. After they launch their campaign satisfying their mutual agreements, it becomes difficult to stay around for long, afraid their insanity could be discovered.  They move to another town,  another country or another continent.

               Now we must understand that the misfortune of people cannot be in any way an opportunity of recruitment or dissemination for Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Scientologists, Free Masons, Hinduists, Pagans, Voodooists. 

             We have to respect the universality of the average while offering our alternative, and allow them the free will to become or to remain. Never make it a condition that in order to give your assistance to the poor,  they must obey to or adopt your faith.  If you do, believe it or not, you are on the wrong side.

With AOL
Abundance Of Love
Claude Reginald Jean, Founder
Grodysh Int'l Inc.-The Future Of Haiti Organization

Hidden Beauty - the History of Haiti

Yesterday, GRODYSH Int'l. Founder and President, Claude Reginald Jean, and Vice-President Leslie Person Hobbs visited the high school students at Delphi Academy of Florida, and presented this important information about the history of Haiti.  The kids were enthralled and asked many great questions.

Queen Isabelle the Catholic and King Ferdinand of Spain, convinced by Christopher Columbus,

decided in 1492 to embark upon what would become the greatest genocide ever perpetrated on human beings in history.

America, inhabited by the descendants of Atlantis, an advanced civilization, was invaded by the

Europeans, who later taught us that they discovered it. Was it a discovery? According to Dr. Alix

Balain, disciple of the greatest-known anthropologist Dr. Tcheck Antadiopp,  Columbus’ three-

vessel expedition team first touched the Floridian shores in the beginning of November after three

months, heading West from Europe. He ordered them to continue southeast where some days later

they approached the Bahamas Islands. Tired of such a long trip crossing over the Atlantic Ocean, they

rested there for 11 days, but Columbus told them, “It is not the Island yet.”  They then re-embarked to

navigate further southeast toward the beautiful island of Haiti.

He landed in the northwest  part of Haiti close to a small native village which he named after Mole St Nicolas.

He planted the Catholic cross and the flag of Spain.

You may have heard that Columbus was  trying to reach India, and that in order to  avoid the dangerous

Persian and Mesopotamian deserts, he traveled other way around via the West, the reason why we are

still wrongly called West Indians.  This is false data.  He was going to Amemex, ancient name of this

continent. Haiti was a well-organized island divided into five Cacicas or kingdoms governed by Cacics

or kings.

The most popular was the marvelous Queen Anacaona.

The ethnicities of the Atlantes living in peace on the island of Haiti, also called Quisqueya or Boyo,

were Caribbeans and Tainos.

Christopher C. was so amazed by the beauty of the Island, and he decided to call it Hispanola, meaning

 little Spain. The hospitality of the Natives didn't capture the interest of the Europeans as much as their

gold possession.  And the natives had to discover hatred, treason, hypocrisy, assassination, greed,

thieves, slavery, genocide, prostitution, rape, aberrated sexual behavior, and evangelism... Forced

into slavery the Natives couldn't resist and were rapidly decimated. Then the odious trade of black

Africans started in order to replace the Natives of the land, as suggested by an infamous Catholic priest

named Las Casas.

The enormous fortune  accumulated by Spain attracted the other European countries like magnets,

 hungry for blood and gold. France engaged in numerous fights with Spain to finally reach years later

an agreement (Riswick treaty) to own the third

western part of the Island, the actual Haiti. The two remaining thirds are now the Dominican

Republic. As a pearl thrown in the Caribbean Sea by the Gods, the island of Haiti was also described by

C. C. as the “Pearl of the Antilles.” The Africans, stronger physically, resisted the inhuman treatment

and infused the land with their blood and bitter sweat to cover the responsibility of supporting 2/3 of

the French economy. They proudly called Haiti “the Grenier (pantry) de la France”.  Sugar from sugar

cane (equivalent to petroleum these days) was the main production of Haiti  and 80% of the world

production came from Saint Domingue the new name of Haiti. Besides sugar, St Domingue produced

cotton, rice,  corn, plantain, banana, mango, coconut, indigo, an infinite variety of tropical fruits,

vegetables and gold. This economy based on human labor was very demanding. More and more

African villages were destroyed and the people were considered animals to justify the sin of deporting

them from their continent on small boats called “Negrier” over the ocean to America.

Haiti, particularly known for its fertility, was the hardest place to be a slave. The French became expert

in dehumanizing  the black Africans.  The nobles, kings, queens, princes and princesses were brought

to “training camps”, similar to concentration camps,  based in Port-au-Prince, read here Port of Princes,

to learn they were animals, ugly, dumb, evil, dirty, uncivilized... before being sold and attached to a

farm. In the 18th century, the ideas of freedom, liberty, Human Rights... became very popular in Europe

and in every living room occupied the conversations and discussions. The house slave, different from

the farm slave, was well dressed, clean, serving the meals and the tea, driving the coach and in a

privileged position to learn about human rights. He wasn't considered to be a threat because he had

been declared an animal by the master, more precisely 2/3rd of a human.

In the 13 colonies that would become the U.S. this human rights movement, added to the arbitrary trade

and tax system  imposed on the colonies by the mother country,  inspired the British colonists to revolt

and separate from the crown of Great Britain.

We must understand here that George Washington and his associates had always been slave masters.

The final battle that vanquished any hope the British had of re-conquering the newly independent

country, the 13 colonies,  was an incredible defeat inflicted by the 600 Haitian soldiers enrolled under

the French command on the field of Savanna, Georgia.

This freedom was for the American British from Great Britain, but Natives and mainly blacks from

Africa remained in abject slavery. A slave and voodoo priest, who was found hiding a book  and was

punished and sent to be sold in St. Domingue was named Bookman. Once he arrived, he escaped and

joined the small group of slaves called Maroons hiding in the mountains.  

Rapidly he became their

leader thanks to his education and ability to read. He reunited thousands one night for a commitment

ceremony known as “ceremony of Bwa Ka Iman” where the slaves vowed to commit themselves to

freedom. He started a brutal revolution against the French masters that ended in the loss of life for

many French, black slaves and for himself. The taste of liberty on their tongues, it became impossible

to keep the system running as the French government had lost their control over many different areas of

St Domingue.  Great Britain occupied the northwest and Spain advanced on part of the East.

Toussaint Breda, coach driver of Bayon Liberta, and natural medicine specialist who replaced

Bookman after a short period of resistance headed by Biassou, learned to read a the age of 42.   He was

denied the command of the island by the French, so he supported the Spanish and conquered the

majority of the land for them. Betrayed by them, he negotiated his return with the French and became

at age 52 General Governor of the Colony for life by Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France. He was

called Toussaint Louverture because of his ability to create openings through enemy lines (Ouverture

means opening in French).

Peace returned and production restarted. Understanding that the management of the colony was asking

for more adapted regulations, he ordered all slaves to be freed and wrote the Constitution of 1802 for St

Domingue, sent it to France for approval, and signed it: “From the first of the Blacks to the first of the

whites,” with a P.S. note  saying that it was already in application. Immediately after receiving this

document, Napoleon sent 22,000 troops headed by his young brother-in-law General Leclerc, who was

the husband of his sister Pauline.

He was accompanied by Napoleon’s  best general Rochambeau to arrest Toussaint, deport him to

France and reestablish slavery. 

Toussaint died from cold weather and malnutrition in Fort de Joux, a prison in the freezing mountains

of Jura in France one year later, while one of his generals, the famous Dessalines, became head of the

revolution, created the Haitian Flag blue and red, taking off the white of the French Flag.

He re-claimed the Native name of Haiti for the new country to be created. The Toussaint document was

the manifest of what years later the crown of Great Britain would adopt and call commonwealth.

So actually Toussaint Louverture is considered to be the father of the Commonwealth.

Napoleon later, after his destitution and while in prison in the St Helen Island, in his Memoir would

express his regrets for stupidly rejected Toussaint's proposal: “this little nigger was right”.

Dessalines conducted the revolution, the unprecedented, the only successful slave revolution in human

history, revealing to the world the power, the bravery and determination of former African slaves who

fought better then human beings, greater than Spartan warriors... as explosive as the gods. 

Napoleon's brother- in-law died and the French army was dismantled. In an incredible display of

respect and admiration, General Rochambeau, in the middle of the ultimate fight, raised the white flag

to stop the fighting and presented military honor and distinction to the incredible bravery of this rebel

commander Capois Lamort.  

Rochambeau was rescued at sea by a British vessel while fleeing the island.

On January 1, 1804, Jean Jacques Dessalines proclaimed Haiti the first Black Republic in

the world and mother of Liberty. He sent a letter to Napoleon saying:” Liberty is a woman, and she is

now a  citizen of Haiti”. In the middle of a world of powerful slave masters, Dessalines created sanity,

Liberty, Freedom, Human Rights.  As the greatest humanitarian who has lived on this planet he wrote,

“Anyone running away from slavery and misery, once he reaches the soil of Haiti, becomes a free man

and a Haitian citizen. Any vessel which brings him will be paid for the transportation and this country

will go to war to defend his right to be a free man”.

Immediately Haiti became a threat for the world order and slavery-based economy. A coalition was

formed between France, the United States, Spain and Great Britain.  Haiti was isolated and it was made

almost impossible for us to exchange our production with other countries.

In addition,  we have been forced to pay $21 billion in gold for damages to France. A wide defamatory

campaign was spread to dissuade the slaves in America from following Haiti’s bad example. 

Alexander Petion, Father of Pan-Americanism, helped revolutionaries Miranda and Simon Bolivar by

giving them money, ammunition, weapons and soldiers to free countries of Latin and South America.

Petion also created the Flag for Venezuela in a South East town of Haiti called Jacmel.

It was 60 years later under the government of Abraham Lincoln that the USA recognized Haiti's

independence. It took Haiti 100 years to pay off the debt of independence to France, wasting all its

resources  instead of spending on building infrastructure and education... So until now the campaign

continues even though Haiti does not represent a threat to anybody any more.

What has never changed, Haiti remains the most beautiful island of the Caribbean.

An overview of Haiti  
Prepared and presented by Claude Reginald Jean
Founder and President of GRODYSH Int'l. Inc. - the Future of Haiti Organization
at Delphi Academy in Clearwater
On March 1st, 2013